Year 5 Excursion to the Electoral Education Centre and Parliament House – Tuesday 18th June

I am pleased to provide you with the following details regarding our excursion to the Electoral Education Centre and Parliament House on Tuesday the 18th of June.  This excursion has been planned to supplement content that is taught in the Year 5 HASS curriculum.

The class will depart from St Dominic’s at 9:30am and return to school at 2:30pm.

Travel to and from the venue will be by bus.

Activities to be undertaken include:

  • Learning about the electoral systems across the three levels of government – Federal, State and Local, with particular attention given to the preferential system of voting.
  • Treasure Hunt around Parliament House
  • Students will tour Parliament House and may have the opportunity to observe Parliament at work and meet a member of Parliament.
  • Lunch in the courtyard at the EEC – please ensure your child has a packed lunch and recess with a bottle of water in a small backpack.

Special clothing or other requirements include: 

  • School sports uniform (grey polo top)
  • School hat

Parent Help

  • I am looking for two parent volunteers who would be happy to accompany us on the excursion as we will be walking from the EEC to Parliament House.  If interested, please email me .

If, for whatever reason, you need to contact your child during the excursion, please call the school office who will then contact one of the supervising staff members.

If you have any questions or feel that the proposed excursion may raise issues relevant to your child’s safe and full participation, please contact me to discuss these further.



John McCabe

Year 5 Teacher