Year 3 and Year 4 Excursion to the WA Shipwreck Museum in Fremantle – Monday, 28th June

On Monday the 28th of June, the Year 3 and Year 4 students will be going on an excursion to the WA Shipwreck Museum in Fremantle.

The shipwreck museum is filled with discovery while providing historical and geographical knowledge and understanding. In Year Three, students have been learning all about Australia, our history, famous landmarks and influential people. In Year Four, students have been learning about explorers and stories of the first fleet to Australia. Throughout the excursion, students will build on these understandings and complete a number of activities that help develop critical Humanities and Social Science skills as they ask questions and collect information from a variety of sources.

Students will be travelling to and from the excursion by bus. The bus will depart school at 9am and return at approximately 1:00pm. Please see the excursion timetable below.

9am – Depart school

9:45am – Arrive at the WA Shipwreck Museum

10:00am – Tour around museum

11:00am – Recess break

11:20am – Tour around museum

12:30pm – Lunch and play

1:15pm – Depart Fremantle

2:00pm – Return to school

Students are required to wear their sports uniform with their grey polo, a hat and a rain jacket if they have one. Students need to bring their recess and lunch in a clearly labelled clear/plastic bag.

We will require a small number of parent helpers to assist us on the day by guiding a small group through the museum and helping them complete set activities.  If you are available and would like to assist, please complete the Microsoft Form linked below.

If you have any questions or you believe we need to know something about your child prior to going on this excursion, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Online Parent Helper Form



Alicia Matrenza and Jacky Lisi

Year 3 and 4 Teachers