Year 3 and 5 Religious Education Assessment (REA) 2024

In Catholic schools across Western Australia, students enrolled in Years 3, 5 and 9 participate in a system-wide, online assessment in Religious Education. The administration of the assessment in 2024 commences Monday 29 July. Students following a regular classroom program are expected to participate. Students with disability are entitled to participate. Exemptions may apply.

The purpose of the REA is to measure student learning of the mandated content in the Religious Education Curriculum. Test items relevant to each participating year level are developed by the Religious Education Directorate at the Catholic Education Office of Western Australia. The test items consist of multiple choice, short and extended response. Students’ faith is not assessed.

Formal student and school reports are produced from the data generated from the REA. The reports are made available to schools in Term Four. The information provided by the REA reports aims to complement school-based assessment programs in Religious Education.

As a system-wide assessment, the REA informs teaching and assessment practices in Religious Education by providing classroom teachers, school and system leaders with a ‘point in time’ snapshot of student achievement. Over time, the REA also provides information about student progress in Religious Education.

Please contact your child’s teacher or Kylie Phillips if you have any enquiries regarding the administration of the Religious Education Assessment.



Leon Bolding
