Year 1 and Year 4 Staffing Update

Below are two staffing updates that I would like to share with our Year 1 and Year 4 families, but also with the whole school community.

Justine Jacobs – Justine will be taking leave this term from Monday, 5th August through until Friday, 30th August.  Justine will return to work on Monday, 2nd September, when we look forward to hearing all about her travels.

Sandra Gioffre, a well known and frequent relief staff member here at St Dominic’s, will be assuming Justine’s part-time teaching role during her leave.  Families should direct all email communication to Shelley Gibson during this period, who will then share these messages with Sandra.

Stirling Bovell – Stirling will also be taking some well earned leave from Wednesday, 4th September to Friday, 20th September.  Stirling will return to his Year 4 class at the start of Term 4.

Sandra Gioffre will also be covering Stirling’s leave this term.  Families are asked to direct any email correspondence to the admin account during this period, so that it can be passed onto Sandra.

We wish both Justine and Stirling all the very best for their upcoming leave and look forward to working with Sandra this term.



Leon Bolding
