Year 1 Excursion to Claremont Museum – Tuesday 13th August

I am pleased to provide you with the following details regarding our excursion to Claremont Museum on Tuesday, 13th August.  This excursion has been planned to supplement our HASS teaching with the aim of developing an interest and enjoyment of History including an understanding and appreciation of the past.

The class will depart from St Dominic’s at 8:50am and return back to school at 2:40pm.  Travel will be by bus to and from Claremont Museum.

Activities to be undertaken include:

  • The class will be divided up into three smaller groups and rotate through three activities including visiting/participating in an old school room, washing clothes by hand and cooking scones with a wheat grinder and old wood fired oven.

Special clothing or other requirements include:

  • Full sports uniform (grey and white top)  should be worn on the day including their school hat.

Parent helpers are required to assist on the day.  If you are available and would like to help, please complete the online Microsoft Form linked below.

If, for whatever reason, you need to contact your child during the excursion, please call the school office who will then contact one of the supervising staff members.

If you have any questions or feel that the proposed excursion may raise issues relevant to your child’s safe and full participation, please contact me to discuss these further.


Online Parent Helper Form



Shelley Gibson and Justine Jacobs

Year 1 Teachers