St Dominic’s Feast Day Celebrations – Friday, 9th August

This year, we will be celebrating St Dominic’s Feast Day (3rd August) on Friday, 9th August.  The day will begin with a whole school/ community Mass at 9:00am in the church celebrated by Bishop Donald Sproxton.  At approximately 11:00am, all students from Pre Primary to Year 6 will be walking down to Spiderman Park (Millet Park) for a whole school play.  We will remain at the park until around 2:00pm, with the children enjoying lunch together at approximately 12:30pm.

A sausage sizzle lunch will be available to students, kindly organised by our P&F.  These must be pre-ordered using the link below.

St Dominic's Feast Day Celebrations - Friday, 9th August

Students are to wear their sports uniform (grey and white polo shirt) and bring a hat and water bottle.  Sausage sizzle orders will be available at Spiderman Park at 12:30pm.  If you do not wish to order a sausage sizzle, please pack a lunch for your child to take to the park. Students will eat recess at school before leaving for the park.

Families are most welcome to join us for the celebration of Mass at 9:00am and down at the park from 11:15am.


St Dominic’s Day Outline


8:45am – Children arrive at school in their sports uniform (grey and white top)

9:00am – Mass

10:40am – Recess

11:00am – Leave for Spiderman Park

11:15am – Arrive at Spiderman Park

12:30pm – Lunch at Spiderman Park (P&F Sausage Sizzle available)

2:00pm – Leave Spiderman Park and return to school

2:15pm – Normal school day continues in class

3:00pm – Children dismissed


As always, please ensure the office has your most up to date contact details and inform the classroom teacher if you feel there is anything that may impact your child’s participation in the excursion outlined above.



Kylie Phillips

Assistant Principal