Seesaw 2021 Information

Over the coming days, your child will bring home a code that will allow you to access your child’s/ children’s Seesaw account for 2021.

For those that aren’t aware, Seesaw is an online learning portfolio where you can see some of the work that your child has completed in class. Seesaw is also a tool that teachers use to communicate with parents and vice versa.

Please follow the instructions sent out to you once you have scanned the QR code using the Seesaw Family App. Please ensure that you have downloaded the ‘Seesaw Family’ app prior to scanning the QR code sent home with your child.

Please find below a link to a document with an outline of Seesaw for parents. This document contains some ‘how to’ links for Seesaw for parents.

Seesaw for Parents Guidelines

If you have any questions regarding Seesaw, please get in contact with your child’s teacher or myself.



Alex Paljetak

Assistant Principal