School Photos Update – New photography company chosen

As the community is aware, following the liquidation of Academy Photography earlier this month, we have been searching for an alternative company to provide this year’s school photos.  We are pleased to announce that we have selected 3P Photography as our provider for 2024 –

The new school photo day is scheduled for Monday, 5th August (Term 3, Week 4).  In the coming weeks, all families will receive information about the packages offered by 3P and instructions on how to place orders.

Families who submitted an Academy order envelope to the office with cash are invited to collect their envelope next week.  Envelopes submitted without cash will be shredded by the school.

If you made an online payment to Academy prior to the announcement, please contact your bank to enquire about the possibility of recovering your payment. The letter linked below may be helpful if requested by your bank.


Acadamy Photography Liquidation Letter


For families who are unable to receive a reimbursement from their bank, 3P will offer a ‘Premium Pack’ free of charge.  If you are in this situation, please forward to a letter from your bank stating that a reimbursement will not be provided.

If you have any questions or need assistance with seeking reimbursement from your bank, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Leon Bolding
