Pre-Primary to Year 6 Mid Year Report Information

Accessing SEQTA Engage

The Pre-Primary to Year 6 Mid Year Reports will be live on the SEQTA Engage website on Tuesday, 25th June at 4:00pm.

The site will be accessible using your previously set up username and password.  To ensure access when the reports go live, you may wish to check your details prior to the release date.  If you have remembered your username but forgotten your password, please click on the ‘Forgot your Password?‘ link and an immediate email will be sent to you from SEQTA.  The email will expire within one hour, so endeavour to action this immediately.

If you have forgotten both of these, then please contact the school by clicking here and we can remind you of your username or reset the account for you.

If you are new to using SEQTA Engage, you should have received an email this week that will enable you to set up a new log in account.  This email will expire within 7 days, so action this as soon as possible.


Mid Year Report Format

The format of our Mid Year Report is in line with School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) reporting requirements.  Teachers will enter grades and efforts for all learning areas and the grade given on the report will indicate your child’s achievement against the Achievement Standard provided by SCSA. For English and Mathematics, a grade for individual components (Reading and Viewing, Writing and Speaking and Listening/ Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability) as well as an overall grade and effort will be provided.  For all other learning areas, an overall grade and an effort will be provided.

Mid Year reports provide grades to indicate the  “…level of achievement that the student is demonstrating relative to the achievement standard, taking into account the curriculum that has been taught and assessed to that point in time.” (SCSA, Government of Western Australia, 2019).  The End of Year Report then provides grades to indicate the level of achievement against these Achievement Standards for the full year.

The final page of the report will still include personal and social learning and a general comment for each child.

Parents can access further information regarding what has been taught, by referring to the termly overview letters sent out each term.  These letters provide more specific details about the content that has been taught and assessed to this point in time to determine the grade.  Term 1 and Term 2 overviews can be accessed via the following links:


Start of Term Teacher Letters to Families – An Overview of Learning in Term 1

Start of Term Teacher Letters to Families – An Overview of Learning in Term 2


Further information on teaching, assessment and reporting can be found on the SCSA Parent Page here.


Parent/ Teacher Interviews

After reports have been released, if you would like to meet with a teacher to discuss any aspect of your child’s report, please email them directly and arrange a time that is suitable for you both.

If you have any issues at all with regards to accessing your child’s report, please do not hesitate to contact the school by clicking here.



Leon Bolding
