Pre-Primary Teddy Bears Picnic – Friday 20th September

This term the Pre-Primary students have been learning how to be a kind friend, make loving choices like Jesus and display data/ information. We conducted a vote on a special treat to end the term and made a graph to display the data we collected. The votes came in with teddy bear’s picnic taking the win.

On Friday, 20th September, the last day of Term 3, we would like to have a teddy bears picnic and share some teddy bear snacks in class.

Can all students please bring one teddy to school on this special day.   We will enjoy some snacks outside in the sun with our special visitors. 

Students are still required to bring their own recess and lunch. The snacks we will make for the picnic will be teddy bear shaped fairy bread with sprinkles and a tiny teddy cupcake.

Please email or see me if you have any concerns regarding the shared treats.


Pre-Primary Teddy Bears Picnic - Friday 20th September



Rochelle Brush

Pre Primary Teacher