We are pleased to provide you with the following details regarding our incursion to Brownes Dairy in Balcatta on Tuesday 1st of April, to take part in their Education Tour.
Students will be going by bus. The Pre-Primary and Year 1 students will leave school at approximately 9:00am and arrive back at school by 11:30am. Their tour runs from 9:30am – 11:00am.
The visit is part of the Design Technologies learning area program (Food and Fibre). The students will meet a farmer and a cow to learn about the milking process and taking care of cows. Students also get to milk a cow near the end of the tour. They will visit the ‘Innovation Kitchen’ where they will learn about food safety and quality, taste dairy products and also do a quick dairy food experiment. Inside the factory they will see how milk is packaged and bottled. The tour supports development of many concepts we have been studying this semester.
Children will be required to wear their sports uniform with grey shirt on this day, including a school hat. As the children will be tasting food, please make sure your classroom teacher is aware of any allergies, or if you would prefer your child did not taste any foods.
We will require parent helpers to assist on the day with the supervision of students. Unfortunately, younger siblings will not be able to attend due to Brownes Dairy’s requirements. We understand this may make it difficult for some parents to volunteer and apologise for this inconvenience. If you are interested in being a parent helper, please complete the online form (link below). We will inform you as soon as possible if you have been selected to attend.
Parent Helper Link
If you have any questions or feel that the proposed excursion may raise issues relevant to your child’s safe and full participation, please your child’s classroom teacher to discuss these further.
Michelle Martin – STEM Teacher
Rochelle Brush – Pre-Primary Teacher
Hannah Mearns and Justine Jacobs – Year 1 Teachers