Thank you St Dominic’s Community!
The P&F would like to say a massive “THANK YOU” to all the families who purchased tickets for our Easter Raffle and dropped off a legendary total of eggs. We raised a new record total of $407.50. This will go directly to your children to benefit in the school.
We were totally overwhelmed by the massive amount of donations!!! It was our biggest year yet and we were totally thrilled with excitement. Our wonderful wrappers Justine and Anthea did a fabulous job sorting, wrapping and allocating to each year group. Thanks to the Henderson family for donating a large amount of wrapping supplies throughout the year which made our eggs look very fancy!
We would also like to note we donated a hamper to Vinnies, after a suggestion at our P&F meeting; which will be divided and donated to families in need in our area this week. Barbara from Vinnies was very excited when she picked it up. See below pictures of our hampers and the brilliant donations received.
Thank you again for making our school such a wonderful community and helping to raise funds for the P&F.
Have an egg-cellent Easter break.
St Dominic’s School P&F