Parish Retreat – Saturday, 12th September

“Walking the way of Faith in an Age of  Uncertainty”

We are living in anxious and uncertain times as we witness the effects of both the Pandemic and the instability across the world. This leaves many confused, fearful and disturbed on many levels.  What is the Christian response to a time of great uncertainty?  What “resources” does our Church offer us during such times? How can we be a source of hope in troubled times?

You are warmly invited to a Retreat morning on Saturday September 12th 9.30 am – 12.30 pm in St Dominic’s Parish Centre.

The Retreat will be facilitated by Fr Tony Chiera VG from Bunbury diocese, and will provide  opportunities for input, reflection, sharing and meditation.

Please register by phone  9245 3899 or the parish email:

RSVP  6 September



Fr Bernard Lanarolle

Innaloo/ Karrinyup Parish Priest