Parents and Friends Group
About the Parents and Friends Group
The Parents and Friends Group is an integral part of the Catholic school structure and is a valuable instrument in this important Church Apostolate of education.
The Parents and Friends Group of St Dominic’s is a very active group that exists to support the Principal and Staff in the activities of the school and to promote a spirit of friendship and cooperation within the school community. It is open to all current members of the school community.
The St Dominic’s Parents and Friends Group organises social functions to build community and coordinates fundraising events to provide additional resources to the school. Events include sausage sizzles, family get togethers, children’s discos, etc.
To ensure its effectiveness, the P&F strives to:
Adhere to the aims and objectives of the Bishops’ Mandate and those of the school
Strive to develop at the school a real community of parents, teachers and students, which reflects a truly Christian ethos
Work closely with the School Authorities, in particular the school Principal, who is the leader of the school community, to achieve common goals
Endeavour to have all parents enjoy the exciting experience of their children’s formal school years by active participation and personal involvement in the school programs
Facilitate open communication within the school community
Assist in planning and organising functions associated with the social, sporting, cultural and educational life of the school community;
Work to provide additional resources which are considered necessary for the children or to assist the teachers in their professional work. Whilst this role has been and will continue to be very important in Catholic schools, it should not be the only function of the Parents and Friends’ Group, which should ensure that its activities extend into the above areas as well.
To ensure the proper running of the Group, the Executive should:
Be responsible for the planning, management and organisation of the Group’s affairs
Hold regular (termly) general meetings, to which should be invited all parents, teachers, parish clergy and/or religious associated with the school, and other interested persons
Conduct meetings in a fitting and proper manner with respect for accepted meeting procedures
Use known and successful organisational tools, such as sub-committees, task forces, seminars and discussion groups, to encourage wider participation, develop increased responsibility and achieve more effective results
Appoint a person or form a sub-committee to be responsible for various activities and dissemination of information pertaining to the Group’s areas of work to the school community
- Nominate a representative on the School Advisory Council
Committee Members
President: TBC
Vice President: TBC
Treasurer: TBC
Secretary: Brooke Gablikis
P&F School Advisory Council Rep: TBC
Class Representatives
Kindy: Jane Baker
Pre Primary: Kristen Rowe and Lydia Li
Year 1: Nancy Messiha
Year 2: Nataly Goncalves
Year 3: Rhian O’Neil and Brooke Gablikis
Year 4: Charlotte George
Year 5: Rana Aghdassi
Year 6: Helen Riolo
2025 Meeting Minutes
Term 1
Term 2
- Meeting 2
Term 3
- Meeting 3
Term 4
- Meeting 4 (Now available)
- Annual Community Meeting