We are currently finalising our Kindy 2021 enrolments. Please note, families with younger siblings looking to commence Kindy next year are required to notify the office and complete the necessary enrolment forms. To ensure that we are aware you are looking to enrol your child in the program and so that you do not miss…
Read MoreI hope this communication finds you well and that your child has been enjoying their time in Kindergarten this year. As you may be aware, the Government of Western Australia now requires schools to hold records of their enrolled students Immunisation History. As such, we now require an updated Immunisation History Statement for all our…
Read MoreTriple P is a parenting program that provides parents with tips and ideas towards raising happy and confident children. The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is available to parents and carers of children in Western Australia through the Department of Education, Child and Adolescent Health Service, WA Country Health Service, and the Department of…
Read MoreWe had hoped that upon our returned to school this term we would be in Phase 5 of WA’s Roadmap to Recovery, however, although the situation remains positive in WA, you would be aware that the Premier delayed introducing Phase 5 due to the recent spike in cases across Victoria. Phase 5 of the Roadmap is…
Read MoreIt is expected that all students will return to Term 3 wearing the correct winter uniform, as outlined in our school uniform requirements document. A copy of this document is located below and always available on our school website here. Please note that all uniform items, except shoes, are to be purchased from the uniform…
Read MoreFollowing my communication last term regarding Miss Jacky Lisi’s breast cancer diagnosis, I am writing to inform you that Jacky will be moving to a part time role (Monday and Tuesday) in Term 3. After further tests and specialist appointments, Jacky commenced chemotherapy over the school holidays. The shift to a part time role in Term 3 will enable Jacky…
Read MoreAs was previously published, on Friday, 24th July, St Dominic’s will hold a parent/ teacher interview day. This time has been scheduled to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss Semester One reports, as well as set goals for the remainder of the year. This year, we are using a system called Microsoft Bookings to organise…
Read MoreFor a Catholic community, the Gospel imperative (Matt 25: 31 – 46) is often expressed in a community setting as the preferential option for the poor among us. The Gospel also invites us to practise welcoming (Matt 25: 35) and protective hospitality (Luke 10: 25 – 37), when required, towards those in need in our…
Read MoreThank you to our Year 1 students for their very entertaining retell of the Gruffalo, which due to COVID-19 restrictions, was video recorded for everyone to enjoy. A higher quality version of the video can be downloaded here. Congratulations also to our Week 10 Merit Certificate winners! Each one of them very worthy recipients.…
Read MoreThe Pre- Primary to Year 6 Semester 1 Reports are now live on the SEQTA Engage website – Log in details for each family will be the same as last year. New families should have hopefully received a welcome email earlier today that provided instructions on how to set up an account. If at any…
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