Linked below are the photos taken by the professional photographer at the Year 6’s Confirmation Day. If you would like to order any photos please complete the order form, which is also linked below, and drop it into the school office. If you have any questions, the photographer can be contact via email at . All…
Read MoreCongratulations to the following students, who were awarded the MJR Spirit of Jesus Award for making Jesus real in our school, at last weeks online Monday morning assembly. Term 4 Week 3 Leon Bolding Principal
Read MoreYear 5 and 6 Tennis and Cricket Day Friday 13th November 2020 Abbett Park and Scarborough Tennis Club All Year 5 and 6 students will be participating in an Inter-school Tennis and Cricket tournament on Friday, 13th November, at Abbett Park and Scarborough Tennis Club. St Dominic’s will field 1 x girls and 2 x boys tennis…
Read MoreWith 2021 fast approaching we are taking orders for summer uniforms in Term 1. To aid us in our planning, we are asking families to please pre-order any items they may need to replace or for our 2021 Pre-Primary/ Year 1 students, buy new, to see them in the sports/ formal school uniform for day…
Read MoreThe school community is very grateful to have received a donation of ten Arduino Kits from Mr Sam Willesee (parent of Alyssa and Karen). These kits will allow the students to code and create projects, combining programming (coding) and electronics. The Year 6 students are excited about having the opportunity to put these kits to use…
Read MoreJust a reminder that this Friday, 30th October, Mr Bolding is hosting a breakfast for the students who ran in the Interschool Cross Country on Monday this week. The breakfast is also open to students who came down to training but didn’t run on the day. The breakfast will begin at 8:00am in the undercover area.…
Read MoreThe Great Book Exchange was held last week as part of the Book Week celebrations. What a very successful event it was! We raised $229.10, which will be donated to the Metta Geha Orphanage in Myanmar. In loving memory of our beloved teacher Mrs Liz Lofthouse, as a school, we continue to commit to supporting…
Read MoreBooklists for 2021 have been sent home with students today. If your child’s booklist doesn’t arrive home, it can be found on our school website under the ‘Enrolment tab’ or by clicking on the link below. Instructions on how to order can be found on the inside page of the booklists. Please note that Campion…
Read MoreOn Tuesday, 27th October, the Pre-Primary had some very special visitors. Karis and Megan from West Oz Wildlife brought a real-life Koala, a dingo, a range of pythons, and a bobtailed lizard into our classroom! All the children participated very bravely, and the keepers were very impressed with their knowledge of things like predators, camouflage and…
Read MoreOn a hot Spring’s day, students from Year 2 to 6 participated in the Interschool Cross Country Carnival today at Light St Reserve in Dianella. This year’s Cross Country was scheduled for Term 2, however, with Covid, it was postponed until Term 4. It was once again great to be out participating with other schools…
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