Below are two links that you may find helpful. If you need any further support, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email or by contacting the front office. Courses to Strengthen Relationships Mindfulness – What is it, why should we use it and how does it help? Nicole Leach…
Read MoreJust a brief reminder about the Year 3 to 6 Faction Swimming Carnival coming up at Claremont Pool on Thursday, 4th March. Could you please remind yourself of the information and fill in your child/children’s race preferences by clicking on the link below. I need these preferences by Friday, 19th February. If you have any questions,…
Read MoreOur new Year 6 Student Leadership Team, Josie, James, Saige and Martin, would like to treat all our St Dominic’s students to a free ice-pole to start the new school year. They decide to save this special treat until Week 2, as it is forecasted to be particularly warm tomorrow at lunch time. The team…
Read MoreNext Wednesday, 17th February, the students and staff of St Dominic’s School will mark the beginning of Lent by attending Ash Wednesday Mass. This year, due to COVID restrictions, the mass will be held in the St Dominic’s School Hall commencing at 11:30am. Due to the 2 square metre rule, unfortunately parents are unable to attend.…
Read MoreOn Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday and the the start of Lent, we will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday with our students. As well as teaching the students about the history and traditions associated with Shrove Tuesday, we would like to share a pancake snack with our students. Some of our classes will be making…
Read MoreFurther to the Premier’s announcement on Friday, that the Perth and Peel restrictions would end on Sunday morning at 12:01am, St Dominic’s School, along with other Catholic schools across Western Australia, will return to Phase 4 COVID-19 restrictions. This means that masks will no longer be required by staff, parents or other visitors to our…
Read MoreComing home yesterday via email was a copy of your 2021 School Fee Statement. Accompanying this email was a payment option form that you are asked to complete and return to Sandra Raso (Finance Officer) by Friday, 19th February. If you didn’t receive your statement, please check your junk folder in the first instance, however,…
Read MoreToday around the world we celebrate Safer Internet Day. On this day each year the world comes together with a shared vision of making online experiences better for everyone. See today’s launch video below with Jimmy Rees and Lah Lah. As parents and educators, we can all play our part in raising awareness…
Read MoreThank you to everyone for your ongoing positive comments about St Dominic’s out there in the community, your comments continue to help promote all that is amazing about our school and has certainly lead to an increased number of enrolment expressions of interest over recent years. Your ongoing support in this area is greatly appreciated…
Read MoreAfter our long serving School Banking Coordinator, Helen, stepped down from her role last year, we hadn’t been unable to provide this service to our community throughout the final part of 2020. However, as published at the end of last year, I am pleased to announce that School Banking will be returning to St Dominic’s…
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