To ensure we continue to provide a safe learning environment for everyone here at St Dominic’s, below are a few reminders regarding drop off and pick up procedures. Your attention to the information outlined below is greatly appreciated.
Students are NOT permitted to arrive at school prior to 8:15am. Students arriving from 8:15am are expected to wait calmly outside their classroom until the doors open at 8:30am. Kindy and Pre Primary students must not arrive before 8:30am, unless an adult remains with them waiting outside the classroom. All classroom doors open at 8:30am and classes commence at 8:40am. If children arrive at school after 8:50am, parents are required to sign them in at the office.
When collecting students in the afternoon, parents are asked to congregate in the undercover area and not outside classrooms prior to the bell. We ask that Pre Kindy and Kindy parents/ caregivers enter the school no earlier than 2:35pm and Pre Primary to Year 6 no earlier than 2:50pm
All visitors to the school outside of drop off and pick up times must come directly to the administration office.
Pre-Primary to Year 6
Doors Open – 8:30am
Session 1 Commences – 8:40am
Recess – 10:40am
Session 2 Commences – 11:00am
Lunch – 12:40pm
Session 3 Commences – 1:20pm
Day Concludes – 3:00pm
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday – 8:40am to 2:45pm (Break and door opening times as above)
Pre-Kindergarten (3 Year Old Program)
Friday – 8:40am to 2:45pm (Break and door opening times as above)
For reference and in additional to the information above, a copy of the Schools Attendance Guidelines and Procedures document can also be accessed here.
Kylie Phillips
Acting Principal