Making Jesus Real (MJR)

On the first day of Term 2 our staff attended a Professional Learning opportunity on the Make Jesus Real (MJR) philosophy we implement here at St Dominic’s.  It was a perfect opportunity for us to reset our focus on this philosophy and to discuss how we can continue to embed MJR at our school.  It was wonderful to hear from Peter Mitchell (Mitch), the developer of MJR, and learn about his background and gain valuable insight.  One of several things we plan to do is give a little more understanding to parents about MJR throughout the year.  This may be in the form of a prayer, an example/ definition of the language of MJR i.e, what a W.E.S.T person is or what does Meet, Greet and Treat truly mean.  This way, the language of MJR will not just be the language of the school, but also hopefully used at home.


Making Jesus Real (MJR)



Leon Bolding
