Important Student Background Data Required – Languages and dialects spoken at home

St Dominic’s School, along with other Catholic, Independent and Government schools, collects Student Background Data (SBD) on behalf of the Australian Curriculum and Reporting Authority (ACARA) each year. One aspect of this data collection is capturing languages and dialects spoken at home.

We would like to ensure that we have up to date information regarding languages and dialects spoken at home. This information may have been provided by parents and guardians when the child first enrolled at St Dominic’s, or earlier this year when we requested updated information. If you have not already provided this information, we would appreciate you completing the form.

Collected information will be confidential and used for its intended purpose only.

Capturing languages and dialects spoken at home is important for recognising and celebrating the cultural and linguistic diversity of students at St Dominic’s School and to provide them with relevant support (if required) and to ensure a culturally and linguistic responsive environment and resources. It is important for our school to identify:

  • students who speak another language or dialect as well as parents/guardians who speak another language or dialect at home, as this indicates that the student has a Language Background Other Than English(LBOTE). Dialects include dialects of English such as Pakistani English, Singaporean English, Ugandan English, etc.
  • students who speak Aboriginal English. Aboriginal English is the name given to the various kinds of English spoken by the majority of Aboriginal students from urban, rural and remote areas of Australia and is a powerful vehicle for the expression of Aboriginal connection and identity.

We appreciate your support and cooperation to achieving this outcome through our data collection.

If there are some questions regarding the information requested, please feel free to contact us to discuss. We may be contacted through 9449 6900 or


Student Background Data Form



Leon Bolding
