First Eucharist Masses

As you would be aware, Fr Bernard has recently contacted all families to discuss options for this years First Eucharist celebration.  As Fr would have now also confirmed with you, we are pleased to announce that the sacrament will be going ahead on Sunday, 13th September as scheduled, however, it will now take place over two masses, one at 10:00am and the second at 5:00pm.  We truly appreciate your flexibility and understanding, it has greatly assisted us in being able to model a plan that will enable the sacrament to proceed but at the same time ensure we are following the current COVID-19 guidelines.  On the day, please remember to keep 1.5m between family members who do not live under the same roof.  We have allocated enough pews to each family to ensure this requirement can be met.

Below is an outline of the mass times and the families who will be attending each.  If for any reason you wish to discuss a change of mass time or require additional family members to attend the celebration, please contact Fr Bernard to discuss the possibly of making a change.


Sunday, 13th September – 10:00 am

Rout Family

von Perger Family

Bennett Family

Haagman Family

Snodgrass Family

Papamihail Family


Sunday, 13th September – 5:00pm

McGuren Family

Fynn Family

Zaknich Family

Lee Family

Campbell Family

Damon Family

Hilderbrandt Family

Seddon Family


Attached below is the letter shared with families at the Parent/ Child Workshop on Thursday, 27th August.  Included is also an image of the special sacramental sash and how it should be worn on the day.


Dear Families,

Just a few updates for you all in relation to First Holy Communion, as it is now just over a few weeks away! Please take the time to read the information contained in this letter.


The dates for First Holy Communion Masses are:

Sunday, 13th September at 10am.

Sunday, 13th September at 5pm.

Please be at the St. Dominic’s Church by no later than 9:30am and 4:30pm. The children will need to assemble outside of the church no later than 9:45am and 4:45pm to prepare for the mass. 


Children need to wear their “Sunday Best”.

Boys: Dress pants and long sleeved shirt (Tie and coat are optional).

Girls: Modest dresses/skirt/pants and top. Nothing showing the shoulders or stomach etc. Miniskirts are not permitted. High heels and make-up are not recommended. Traditionally girls have worn white dresses but it is up to each individual as to what they would like to wear. Girls may wear dress pants or coloured dresses if desired.

Sashes and Badges:

The children from the school will have received a complimentary sacramental sash and badge when they received the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Year 3. (Each Sacrament has its own distinctive badge). Replacement badges ($10 each) and sashes ($20 each) are available from the school’s front office at the cost shown.

The commemorative Sacramental Badges must be stitched onto the sash and worn to the First Eucharist mass. With the one closest to the top being the badge for the Sacrament of Penance, the next badge in the middle is the Sacrament of Holy Communion, and finally the badge for Confirmation is stitched on. The sashes are worn on the right shoulder and are pinned across the body at the left hip.


The children will be sitting with their families in allocated seating. The children will process in with Father Bernard and then take their seats with you. Seats will be clearly labelled as to where each family will sit. 


The Parish / School hire a professional photographer who is available at least an hour prior to the ceremony to take photos of family groups, individual photos and small group shots. These photos are taken in the school’s Kindergarten/Pre-Primary area. You should arrive early enough if you want to participate in this activity.

Similarly, the photographer will take photos of individuals and family groups after the ceremony has concluded. Please speak to the photographer directly if you wish to participate in this activity.

Approximately one week after the Sacrament, proof photos will be available from the school’s front office. At the time of ordering, parents will need to pay cash for the photos required. Order forms will be available at the time as well. (Sorry no EFTPOS facilities are available). Once ordered, photos will be given to the children to bring home. All of these details will be sent out at the time of ordering.


The children will receive their First Holy Communion certificates after the First Holy Communion Mass.

Parents and Photos:

Parents are not permitted to move around the church to take photos. Parents are more than welcome to take photos or videos from their seats only.

At the conclusion of the Sacrament, the professional photographer will take a group photo with the children on the altar and then parents will be invited forward to take a group shot. The MC will direct you when this is to occur.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

First Eucharist Masses

Kind regards,

Miss Lisi, Mr Fiume and Mr Paljetak



Leon Bolding
