On Tuesday, 7th November, in between Grandparents Morning and our P&F Colour Run, we will be celebrating our Faction Patron Saints with several activities down at Spiderman Park.
The Year 1 to 6 students will walk down to Spiderman Park straight after recess at 11:00am and remain in the park until approximately 1:00pm. While at the park, students will participate in a range of activities focused on getting to know their faction saint through some competitive faction fun. There will be treasure hunts, faction puzzles and balloon relays.
Students lunch boxes/ water bottles will be transported down to the park and during their time there they will enjoy a picnic style lunch together.
As outlined in previous communications, the students are required to wear their sports uniform (faction top) on this day and then change into their colour run clothes prior to the colour run event.
If you have any questions or feel that the proposed outing may raise issues relevant to your child’s safe and full participation, please contact us to discuss these further.
Kasey Wheatley and Jasmine Crosara
Faction Patron Saints Day Coordinators