Week 10 Stations of the Cross, Easter Hat Parade, P&F Easter Raffle and Free Dress Day Information

On Wednesday, 9th and Thursday, 10th April (Week 10), we will be celebrating our upcoming Easter holiday with several Easter events.  Please see below.


Stations of the Cross

OnWednesday, 9th April, our Year 3 students will be leading us in a Stations of the Cross.  All students will take part in the gallery walk during the first block of the day and families are most welcome to join their child’s class.  More exact times for each class will be shared closer to the time.

It will be a solemn reminder of Our Lord’s Passion, and the tremendous sacrifice Jesus undertook for our redemption.

Pope Francis provides eight reasons as to why we should pray the Stations of the Cross:

  • They allow us to place our trust in Jesus
  • The put us into the story – Jesus is looking at you now and is asking: Do you want to help me carry the Cross?
  • They remind us that Jesus suffers with us
  • They compel us to action – teaching us always to look upon others with mercy and tenderness, especially those who suffer
  • They help us make a decision for or against Christ
  • They reveal God’s response to evil in the world – through love, mercy, and forgiveness
  • They give us the certainty of God’s love for us
  • They guide us from the Cross to the resurrection

Families may also like to consider attending the Innaloo/ Karrinyup Parish Stations of the Cross, which take place every Friday evening during Lent.  Stations of the Cross commence at 6:00pm at St Dominic’s Church and 7:00pm at Our Lady of Good Counsel.


Pre-Primary to Year 6 Easter Hat Parade

Easter is approaching!  To celebrate the end of term, and to mark the Easter holiday, we would like to have an Easter Hat Parade on the morning of the last day of Term 1.  The parade will commence at approximately 9:00am on Thursday 10th April on the oval. Families are most welcome to come along and enjoy the parade.

Below is a map of where parents can stand, please do not cross the coned off areas (blue spots on the picture)
Week 10 Stations of the Cross, Easter Hat Parade, P&F Easter Raffle and Free Dress Day Information

Please get creative and have a go at making an Easter hat or Easter head piece with your child.  There are some ideas on Pinterest, or another option is to google image ‘Easter hat ideas’.  Please see if you have any craft pieces around the house that could be up cycled.  Alternatively, Kmart, Big W, Reject Shop or Red Dot have some budget friendly crafts.

The best hat as deemed by the judges on the day will get a prize!


Free Dress Day

The end of term free dress day will also be on Thursday, 10th April.  As it will coincide with the Easter Hat Parade, the theme of Easter has been chosen.  Students are invited to dress up and bring along a gold coin donation that will go towards our Lenten Project Compassion fundraising efforts.


P&F Easter Raffle

Our annual P&F Easter Raffle will be drawn after the Easter Hat Parade on Thursday, 10th April.  Prizes will be held in the office until the end of the day and then handed out to students to take home.  For details regarding how you can enter and get involved in the raffle, please refer to the previous post shared by our P&F.

P&F Easter Raffle



Kylie Phillips

Acting Principal