Craft Club will recommence for 2021 for our Year 3 to 6 students commencing in Term 2. It will be on a fortnightly basis starting in Week 2. These sessions will take place on a Wednesday afternoon from 3pm-4pm in the Year 5 classroom. Due to COVID restrictions, we are unable to allow the K-2 students to attend as they need to be accompanied by an adult for supervision purposes. If COVID restrictions change, we will reconsider allowing the younger grades to attend and notify families of this change. The cost of the club is $5 per term, which will cover the cost of the materials used in the club. Please bring the money along to the first session of each term. To allow for planning and preparation for the craft sessions, please complete the following form to register your child for Craft Club.
Craft Club Enrolment Form
Louise Smith, Mags James, Sue Capriotti, Peta Kelly
Craft Club Coordinators