Congratulations to our Year 4 Students on their First Eucharist Last Weekend

Last Sunday, some of our Year 4 students celebrated their First Holy Communion at St Dominic’s Church.  A big congratulations to the following students for receiving their First Eucharist.

Daniel A

Zachary B

Jake D

Jack D

Sam E

Namatjira J

Noah L

Luke O

Jaden R

Alyssa W

A big thank you must also go to Fr Bernard for celebrating the mass on the day, to Mrs James for doing the music, to our wonderful choir for providing us with beautiful music, and to Miss Lisi who did such a fantastic job in preparing the students in the lead up to the day.

Congratulations again to our wonderful Year 4’s.  We hope that through receiving the Eucharist, you feel closer to God and grow more and more in Jesus’ image each day.

Click on the link below to see some photos from the day, many of which were taken by Imogen, one of our new MJR Student Photography Club members.  A reminder to our Year 4 families that the professional photos are available for purchase via the post shared earlier in the week –

First Eucharist Photos



Alex Paljetak

Assistant Principal