On Friday, 21st March, the Year 6 class along with Year 6 students from Our Lady of Good Counsel, will be participating in a spiritual retreat in the St Dominic’s School Hall. The main aim of the retreat is to allow students to experience and discuss the many concepts that they have learned about the Holy Spirit and about Confirmation. School Staff will be attending with students on this day.
Students should be drop off and picked up at usual school times. The retreat will run from approx 9:15am to 2:15pm.
Students are required to bring their own lunch, recess, drink bottle and hat. Lunch Box lunch orders will also be available on this day. The students may wear suitable free dress.
A reminder that the Parent-Child Confirmation Workshop is on Wednesday, 19th March at 5:30pm in the St Dominic’s School Hall.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.
Kasey Wheatley
Year 6 Teacher
Kylie Phillips
Acting Principal