As you would be aware, Fr Bernard has recently contacted all families to discuss options for this years First Eucharist celebration. As Fr would have now also confirmed with you, we are pleased to announce that the sacrament will be going ahead on Sunday, 13th September as scheduled, however, it will now take place over…
Read MoreOn Tuesday, the Year 3 to 6 class were lucky enough to participate in an Inflatable Squash Clinic, which was held in the school hall. Run by Squashworld in Wembley, the clinic was an opportunity for students to have some fun while learning a new sport in Squash. Fair to say the clinic was a…
Read MoreFollowing camp shutdowns throughout the COVID-19 lockdown period, we have now been able to finalise the plans for the 2020 Year 6 Camp and can confirm that the students will be heading to Busselton with St Dominic’s staff and the team from All Aboard Coach Tours (the same company we have used for previous camps).…
Read MoreComing home in your child’s bag today should be a photo envelope for the upcoming School Photo Day on Tuesday, 15th September. Every child in the school has received a specifically coded individual envelope with all the instructions clearly outlined on the front. To assist with the first instruction ‘This envelope MUST be handed to the photographer by each student on photo day (even…
Read MoreOn Friday, 11th September, St Dominic’s P&F will be hosting its annual Disco for the students of St Dominic’s. This year, with COVID-19 interrupting a number of events, the P&F Executive have made the decision to make this years disco a FREE EVENT for all students. After a tough few months the P&F would like…
Read MoreCongratulations to the following students, who were awarded the MJR Spirit of Jesus Award for making Jesus real in our school, at last weeks online Monday morning assembly. Term 3 Week 4 Leon Bolding Principal
Read MoreNext Friday at 8:50am, we have our Whole School Year 5 Assembly scheduled to take place in the school hall. As published earlier, assemblies will return to live events this term with all classes in attendance, however, as we have not yet transitioned to Phase 5 of the WA Road Map to Recovery, only the…
Read MoreThis term, the Year 1, Year 5 and Year 6 classes will be going on an excursion to Perth Zoo on Monday, 14th September. We will be going by bus, leaving school at 8:45am, and arriving back at St Dominic’s by 3:00pm that afternoon. All three classes will be participating in a lesson organised by the…
Read More“Walking the way of Faith in an Age of Uncertainty” We are living in anxious and uncertain times as we witness the effects of both the Pandemic and the instability across the world. This leaves many confused, fearful and disturbed on many levels. What is the Christian response to a time of great uncertainty? What…
Read MoreWhat a great athletics carnival. The event was absolutely fantastic, with all students giving their best efforts and producing great results on the day. Congratulations to all students. You are the reason days like Wednesday are so enjoyable. Days like Wednesday also don’t simply happen without input from so many people. I’d like to thank…
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