I am pleased to announce that the process for appointing our new Finance Officer at St Dominc’s School was finalised at the end of last term. Sandra Raso has been appointed to the position and will be commencing with us on Monday of Week 2. Sandra comes to us with a strong financial background and…
Read MoreCongratulations to all participants in this year’s Senior School Ping Pong Tournament!!! Results: Year 4: Winner – Alyssa W Runner-up – Jake M Year 5: Winner – James D (21-18) Runner-up – Mason B Year 6: Winner – Benjamin D (21-10) Runner-up: Jackson M Competition Photos Stirling Bovell Ping Pong Tournament Coordinator
Read MoreWe are putting the shout out for boys or girls in Year 5 or 6 to make a St Dominic’s summer hockey team during Term 4. No hockey experience necessary. What is involved? Game only (no training) on a Thursday either 6:25pm or 7:15pm at Shenton turf @ Shenton College 8 week season from Thursday…
Read MoreWe are very excited to share the news with the community that baby Benjamin Kevin Sullivan was born yesterday, 24th September, at 4:40pm. Joe has reported that both mum and Ben (“Benny”) are doing well. We can’t wait to meet Ben and welcome him into our community. Congratulations, Joe and Linda!!! Below is a song…
Read MoreCongratulations to all of the students who represented St Dominic’s School at the Interschool Athletics Carnival on Thursday. I could not be prouder of the way students conducted themselves and gave their very best for the school. All of our students competed with a smile on their face despite the hot conditions. Most impressive part…
Read MoreAfter Book Week was postponed earlier in the year due to COVID-19, we are pleased to announce that it has been rescheduled nationally for Week 2 next term. The several activities that were planned for earlier in the year will now take place during this week. There will be a parade, a book exchange and many fun…
Read MoreOn Monday, 26th October, selected students in Year 2 to 6 will take part in the Interschool Cross Country Carnival, to be held at Light St Reserve in Dianella. In order to prepare for the Interschool Cross Country, three training sessions at Birralee Reserve have been organised for the following dates: Thursday 15th October Tuesday 20th…
Read MoreWith the AFL finals just around the corner, for this Friday’s free dress day students are invited to wear their favourite AFL football teams colours to school! This is a fun way to finish the term and an opportunity to raise money for the Perth Archdioceses Life Link Appeal. Children are encouraged to bring a…
Read MoreOn Monday the 21st of September, some of our brightest young stars in Year 5 attended the annual Academic All Stars Day, which this year was held at Loreto Primary School in Nedlands. The following Year 5 students represented us on the day – Arya S, Martin S, Andrew E, Jack E, Kari W, Josie…
Read MoreA CD will be coming home with our Year 4 First Communicants today, which contains proofs of the photos from First Holy Communion. At the directive of the photographer, the way photos are purchased has changed from previous years. Each CD will have a price list and order form. Parents can return the order to…
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