Thank you to our Pre Primary students for their very entertaining assembly. Due to COVID-19 restrictions and not being able to have all of our community in the hall, the assembly was video recorded for everyone to enjoy. A higher quality version of the video can be downloaded here. Congratulations also to our Merit…
Read MoreThe choir performed recently for the staff and students of St Dominic’s. They were not able to participate in the Performing Arts this year due to Covid restrictions. It was great to provide an opportunity where they could showcase some of the pieces they have been working on. Unfortunately, parents and the wider community were…
Read MoreWorld Children’s Day is celebrated annually on the 20th November each year. It marks the anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959, which sets out, for example, such things as the right to healthcare, education, clean water, protection from violence and the right to have their say in decisions that…
Read MoreCongratulations to the following students, who were awarded the MJR Spirit of Jesus Award for making Jesus real in our school, at last weeks online Monday morning assembly. Term 4 Week 5 Leon Bolding Principal
Read MoreThe 2020 Year Books have arrived! Ordered books will be coming home with the eldest child in each family on Monday, 16th November. Staff will be provided with a list of orders for their class and will tick off names as books are handed out. If you have any questions regarding the Year Book, please…
Read MoreJust a reminder to parents and students that Tuesday, November 17th is camp!! The bus will be departing from the FRONT OF THE SCHOOL at 8.30am sharp on Tuesday 17th November. Please ensure you are at school by 8:00am so that we can depart on time and the day will therefore run as planned. The children’s…
Read MoreAn invitation is extended to parents, caregivers and friends of St Dominic’s School, to attend the 2020 Annual Community Meeting (ACM) of the School Advisory Council (previously known as the School Board) and Parents & Friends Association. The meeting will take place on Thursday, 26th November in the School Hall, commencing at 5:00pm. The meeting itself…
Read MoreOn Monday, students in Year 3 to 6 listened to a talk from Professor Clive Walley. Mr Walley, the Director of Indigenous Education at Notre Dame University in Fremantle, came to speak to the students about NAIDOC Week and the importance of recognising the First Nations that inhabited our great land. The talk consolidated the…
Read MoreWe are very excited to share the news with the community that baby Florence Quinn Bovell was born last night. Stirling has reported that both mum and Florence are doing well. We can’t wait to meet Florence and welcome her into our community. Congratulations, Stirling and Mel!!! No photos have come through yet but hopefully we…
Read MoreSocial skills are vital in supporting a child to have and maintain positive interactions with others. Many of these skills are crucial in making and sustaining friendships. Social skills are of course vital for life, as a child or adult! Below is a list of 50 social skills for kids that you may wish share with your…
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