We have organised an exciting incursion for our wonderful Kindy students on Monday, 21st June. The incursion will take place in our classroom commencing at 9:00am, and runs for approximately two hours. Further details about the incursion can be found on the website linked below and we look forward to sharing some photos from the…
Read MoreLinked below are the photos taken by the professional photographer at the Year 4’s First Eucharist. If you would like to order any photos please complete the order form, which is also linked below, and drop it into the school office, with either the correct cash or cheque in a sealed envelope. If you…
Read MoreAt this time of the year, especially during this slightly longer 11 week term, it is understandable that we all start to feel a bit drained, students, staff and families alike. There is a lot going on in all our lives. There is the normal business of school and home life, extra weekend sporting commitments,…
Read MoreSt Dominic’s School, along with all Catholic Schools in Western Australia, has in place a Code of Conduct document. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to describe minimum standards of conduct in all behaviour and decision making to ensure the safety and well-being of students. Following on from last weeks Statement 5 and…
Read MoreThank you to everyone for your ongoing positive comments about St Dominic’s out there in the community, your comments continue to help promote all that is amazing about our school and has certainly lead to an increased number of enrolment expressions of interest over recent years. Your ongoing support in this area is greatly appreciated…
Read MoreFollowing consideration and consultation over the past few months, the decision has been made to relocate our school uniform shop to an offsite location at the end of Term 2. The shop will be re located to our uniform suppliers (Jenny Franklin Enterprises) retail outlet store, located at Unit 1, 85 Guthrie Street, Osbourne Park.…
Read MoreThe P&F Committee have been busily planning an exciting and fun Quiz Night for our school community. The event will take place on Saturday, 11th September at the Teakwood Hall in Woodlands. Further details about the Quiz Night will follow shortly. Initially, the Committee are seeking your support in sourcing possible sponsorships. This is not only a great opportunity…
Read MoreYou are warmly invited to continue the celebration of your child’s First Eucharist by attending a morning tea following this Sunday, special celebration. The morning tea will be hosted by the Parish, but you may also like to bring a plate to share with the group. I hope to see you there. God bless …
Read MoreThe Year Fours will be making their First Eucharist on Sunday 13th June at 10:00am. Children in the School Choir are encouraged to attend this celebration. Any other students who would like to be a part of the choir on the day are also invited to join us. It is a wonderful way to show our…
Read MoreCongratulations to the following students, who were awarded the MJR Spirit of Jesus Award for making Jesus real in our school, at last weeks online Monday morning assembly. Term 2 Week 6 and 7 Leon Bolding Principal
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