Year 6
Palm Sunday is the final Sunday of Lent and commemorates the triumphant arrival of Christ in Jerusalem, days before he was crucified. Palm Sunday is known as such because the faithful often receive palm fronds, which they use to participate in the reenactment of Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem. In the Gospels, Jesus entered Jerusalem riding…
Read MoreWe are living through tough times at the moment. Both here in WA as we continue our covid challenges, and across the world as we watch the horrors in Ukraine, we face difficult times. Add to all this the floods across our nation, and the economic pressures across the community and we have reason to…
Read MoreLast week we had our Stations of the Cross reflection for all students from Pre-Primary to Year 6. The reflective walk around the oval was guided by artworks and prayers prepared by our Year 4 and 5 students. Classes gathered around each station to view the artwork and read a reflection and prayer together. Thank…
Read MoreI am writing in response to the announcement by WA Premier Mark McGowan that 1,100 historic positive cases in Catholic Education schools did not appear to have been reported to WA Health. WA Health informed CEWA on Tuesday about the discrepancy between the number of positive RATs advised to schools and those recorded in the…
Read MoreSome exciting news to start the week! Baby Lucy Jean Smith has arrived into the world! She was born at 4:19pm on Friday, 1st April, weighing 3.5kg and 50cm long. Louise reported that she also has a full head of hair. Louise and Neal are absolutely smitten with their little lady and we couldn’t be…
Read MoreAs part of the Italian program this term, a class completion was held to design a mask depicting the traditional Carnevale period held in Italy each year for 18 days prior to Lent. There were some fantastic masks made with lots of effort shown. Winners for each year level were: Year 1 – Nellie and…
Read MoreMy name is Mrs Scott and I will be supporting Mr Bovell as an assistant teacher in your child’s classroom in Term 2. I am currently finishing my last year of my Bachelor of Primary Education, specialising in Physical Education and Health. I have been spending some time in first term getting to know your…
Read MoreThis week through Project Compassion we learn about Shaniella who is attending a vocational school in the Solomon Islands supported by Caritas Australia Solomon Islands (CASI). Not long after Shaniella started, the school was hit by a landslide, flooding, and a cyclone, all in quick succession. With your kind support, CASI helped install water tanks,…
Read MoreDjeran — Season of Adulthood Djeran season generally spans April-May and means an end to the really hot weather. A key indicator of the change of season is the cool nights that once again bring a dewy presence for us to discover in the early mornings. The winds have also changed, especially in their intensity,…
Read MoreCongratulations to the following students who were awarded an MJR Spirit of Jesus Award recently. Let us know if you have seen the Spirit of Jesus at work through members of our school community (parent, grandparent, aunties, uncles etc) recently and we will acknowledge and award them a certificate. Use the link below or the one located…
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