Year 6
Accessing SEQTA Engage The Pre-Primary to Year 6 Mid Year Reports will be live on the SEQTA Engage website on Wednesday, 28th June at 4:00pm. The site will be accessible using your previously set up username and password. To ensure access when the reports go live, you may wish to check your details prior to…
Read MoreWe are pleased to provide you with the following details regarding the upcoming Year 5 and 6 excursion to the Parliament of Western Australia and WA Museum Boorla Bardip on Tuesday, 25th July. This excursion has been planned to supplement the following work being completed in your child’s classroom: Year 5: how people are represented…
Read MoreAt St Dominic’s, we understand the importance of healthy eating and the impact it can have on our students overall wellbeing. In addition to other initiatives like ‘Crunch and Sip‘, we are excited to announce that in partnership with Foodbank WA, we have introduced a new Wednesday morning School Breakfast Club. There is no doubt…
Read MoreMini Vinnies are holding a fundraiser for the Archbishop’s LifeLink Appeal on Thursday, 29th June! Pre-Primary to Year 6 students are encouraged to wear a hoodie/oodie or jumper with free dress for a gold coin donation! Don’t forget that it is a sport day, so runners and suitable clothing should also be worn so that…
Read MoreThe Parish is once again celebrating Children’s Liturgy during the Sunday 9.30am Mass at St Dominic’s, Innaloo. I encourage parents to bring their children to this Mass where the children will be welcomed before being led to their own special liturgy in the Parish Centre. By covering the Sunday Gospel and readings at a level…
Read MoreEvery year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards…
Read MoreThank you to our Year 2 and 3 students for their very informative and professionally presented assembly about looking after our world. Your messages linked very nicely to our school rules of ‘Respect for Self, Others and the Environment’ and connected into two of our school values, KNOWLEDGE and LOVE, as you helped us to…
Read MoreI recently read an article about the power of practising gratitude and the impact it can have on our happiness, and wanted to share with you some of the main points. Hopefully there are one or two take aways that you may find helpful as you navigate the everyday commitments of work, school and family…
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