Year 6
I am pleased to provide you with the following details regarding our excursion to WA Museum Boola Bardip on Wednesday March 12th. This excursion has been planned to supplement the following work being completed in your child’s classroom relating to our HASS unit focusing on push and pull factors for movement and migration with links…
Read MoreWe are excited to invite all students from Year 3 to Year 6 to join our Gardening Club! 🌻🌿 Students can come along every Thursday at 1:00 PM and get involved in growing, planting, and caring for our beautiful school garden. It’s a great way to enjoy nature, learn new skills, and enjoy time with…
Read MoreKylie Phillips Acting Principal
Read MoreAll Parents and Friends Group (P&F) Meeting Minutes in 2025 are uploaded to the school website and made available for families to access via a link at the bottom of the P&F page. After each meeting a notice will be sent home to inform families that the minutes are ready for viewing. Below is a…
Read MoreTryBooking Website Link St Dominic’s School Parents and Friends Group
Read MoreSt Dominic’s P&F Grill’d Quiz and Dinner at Grill’d Innaloo TryBooking Link St Dominic’s School P&F
Read MoreSt Dominic’s School is supported by an active and involved P&F, who contribute to community-building and fundraising throughout the year. This work is so important in providing opportunities for our students and community, and creating the supportive and inclusive environment that we all enjoy here. This work is possible because of volunteers who coordinate efforts…
Read MoreA reminder that Sacrament Enrolment Masses will be held over the coming weekends. It is compulsory for all sacramental candidates and at least one parent/caregiver to attend an Enrolment Mass to enrol their child to prepare to receive one of the sacraments. Further information can be found via the link below. 2025 Innaloo/ Karrinyup Catholic…
Read MoreBelow are links to letters from each of our classroom teachers to you, our families. The intent of each letter is to provide you with an overview of what will be taught this term. An opportunity to connect, share and partner with you in the learning planned for your child in Term 1. If you…
Read MoreAs you know, school staff supervise your children at all times during the school day, including while they use play equipment. The students understand the rules allowing them and others to enjoy doing so safely and respectfully. They also know to behave according to the standards set in our School Code of Conduct and Student Code…
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