Year 2
Thank you to our Year 4 students for their very entertaining and informative assembly about the arrival of the first European settlers here in Australia. We all enjoyed hearing about what you had learnt in class and were entertained by your very impressive dance moves. Congratulations also to our Merit Certificate winners! Each…
Read MoreIn Weeks 6 and 7 (15th November to 26th November) of Term 4, students in Year 1 and 2 will be participating in swimming lessons at Scarborough Pool. Attached to this communication is an enrolment form that parents are asked to fill in as accurately as possible (please complete one form for each child). Please…
Read MoreBelow is an article I recently came across, written by ‘Safe on Social’. You may find this article helpful when navigating and discussing the topic of online chat groups as a family. As part of the Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum taught here at St Dominic’s, staff regularly address, particularly in the older grades, many…
Read MoreOn Monday, 1st November, the Year 2 and 3 students will be going on an excursion to Perth City to participate in a Two Feet and a Heartbeat walking tour. The ‘City Living’ tour will explore skills and understandings from the Arts and History curriculum. Students will learn about the rich significance of buildings and…
Read MoreBelow are links to letters from each of our classroom teachers to you our families. The intent of each letter is to provide you with an overview of what will be taught this term. An opportunity to connect, share and partner with you in the learning planned for your child in Term 4. If you…
Read MoreDon’t miss out on our limited edition keepsake 2021 tea towels, celebrating all of the amazing students and staff at St Dominic’s School. Every child and teacher has drawn a self portrait, which has been printed on a tea towel to commemorate their 2021 school year. With Christmas on the way it is a perfect…
Read MoreSchool photos will be coming home with your child/children on Thursday afternoon. Family photos will be given to the eldest child in each family to bring home. Additional information will be communicated with you in regard to how families can order Year 6 leadership and ministry photos, as well as sport champion and interschool photos.…
Read MoreBelow are the Term 4 sports days for students in Pre Primary to Year 6. Included is the respective sports top for each day. Your support in ensuring your children are wearing the correct uniform on the appropriate day is required and greatly appreciated. Pre Primary Monday (grey and white top) Tuesday (grey and white…
Read MoreLouise Smith and her husband Neal have announced recently the news that they are expecting their second child early next year! It is a very exciting time for Louise and her family, and we can’t wait to hear the news of the baby girl’s arrival next year. Congratulations, Louise and Neal, your little family continues…
Read MoreIt has been a busy holiday break with lots of exciting work taking place around the school. Metrocon has used the time to complete a number of jobs that just couldn’t be done during term time. New Windows and Doors for Year 2 to 4 – You may recall from previous posts, or in the detail…
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