Year 2
Coming home with each child this week will be an envelope containing the following information about the up coming P&F Mother’s Day Gift Handout. Don’t forget to check your childs bag and return it to school as soon as possible.
Read MoreOn Monday, 2nd May, we will be conducting our St Dominic’s Cross Country Event at Birralee Reserve. All students from Year 1 – 6 will be participating (every finisher earns a point for their faction!) and the event will also serve as a selection trial for Year 3 – 6 students to compete at the Interschool…
Read MoreI hope you had a blessed Easter with your family and are refreshed and ready for all Term 2 has in store for us. The Premier announced on 13th April 2022, that the Western Australian close contact definition will now align with the National Cabinet’s definition. This means that a close contact is now defined…
Read MoreBelow are the Term 2 sports days for students in Pre Primary to Year 6. Included is the respective sports top for each day. Your support in ensuring your children are wearing the correct uniform on the appropriate day is required and greatly appreciated. Pre Primary Monday (grey and white top) Tuesday (faction top) Wednesday…
Read MoreLet us know if you have seen the Spirit of Jesus at work through members of our school community (parent, grandparent, aunties, uncles etc) recently and we will acknowledge and award them a certificate. Use the link below or the one located in the weekends eNewsletters. Spirit of Jesus Community Nomination Form Term 1 Week…
Read MoreAs we enter Holy Week, we continue to reflect on the lives of people vulnerable to extreme poverty and injustice and how we can respond through supporting Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion appeal. Your generosity is the pebble that allows Caritas Australia to create the ripples that will improve the livelihoods of vulnerable communities, supporting them…
Read MorePalm Sunday is the final Sunday of Lent and commemorates the triumphant arrival of Christ in Jerusalem, days before he was crucified. Palm Sunday is known as such because the faithful often receive palm fronds, which they use to participate in the reenactment of Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem. In the Gospels, Jesus entered Jerusalem riding…
Read MoreWe are living through tough times at the moment. Both here in WA as we continue our covid challenges, and across the world as we watch the horrors in Ukraine, we face difficult times. Add to all this the floods across our nation, and the economic pressures across the community and we have reason to…
Read MoreLast week we had our Stations of the Cross reflection for all students from Pre-Primary to Year 6. The reflective walk around the oval was guided by artworks and prayers prepared by our Year 4 and 5 students. Classes gathered around each station to view the artwork and read a reflection and prayer together. Thank…
Read MoreI am writing in response to the announcement by WA Premier Mark McGowan that 1,100 historic positive cases in Catholic Education schools did not appear to have been reported to WA Health. WA Health informed CEWA on Tuesday about the discrepancy between the number of positive RATs advised to schools and those recorded in the…
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