Year 2
Here at St Dominic’s we promote healthy eating habits. When your child attends St Dominic’s, around one third of their daily food intake occurs at school. So, with that thought in mind, we encourage families to provide a lunch box with food from each of the five food groups to ensure their child is getting…
Read MoreAs you would be aware, St Dominic’s is an ALLERGY AWARE School. As an allergy aware school, our aim is to inform staff, students and parents about the risks of allergies as well as provide a supportive environment in which children at risk of anaphylaxis can feel safe. Like all schools, we have a number of…
Read MoreFollowing on from Justin O’Malley’s presentation earlier this week and as you may be aware via communications over the past few years, we have implemented the Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum here at St Dominic’s School. It is a government requirement that all schools adopt and implement an appropriate research based child protection program. The Keeping…
Read MoreFollowing on from and in addition to our parent information night sessions, please find below links to each classes Parent Information Booklet. These booklets will hopefully provide families with a helpful way of referring back to the information shared by each teacher, however, will also cover additional and important information that may not have been…
Read MoreI hope that everyone had a restful and rejuvenating summer break, and that you are ready to dive into the new school year with energy and enthusiasm. As we begin this new school year, we reflect on our schools patron saint, St Dominic, a man of great faith, wisdom, and compassion. He founded the Order…
Read MoreThere are many ways in which we share information with families here at St Dominic’s, both verbally and digitally. We continue to focus on making information easily accessible, timely and available when needed. Below is an outline of the main communication streams we use. eNewsletter – Once a week (previously on a Sunday but will be…
Read MoreBelow are the Term 1 sports days for students in Pre-Primary to Year 6. Included is the respective sports top for each day. Your support in ensuring your children are wearing the correct uniform on the appropriate day is required and greatly appreciated. Pre Primary Monday (grey and white top) Tuesday (faction top) Wednesday (grey…
Read MoreThroughout your child’s enrolment at St Dominic’s School, classroom teachers will enhance lessons and routines with visiting presenters (‘incursions’) and activities delivered off site (‘excursions’). Incursions and excursions are designed and safely delivered to the same standard as regular classroom instruction and in accordance with CECWA Policy. All school activities, regardless of who delivers them…
Read MoreIf parking and collecting your children, instead of using the ‘kiss and ride’ option, please take a moment to read the following information. Parking is available along Beatrice Street in the marked parking bays and in the Church carpark at the Eastern end of the school. Although a bit further away, street parking is also available…
Read MoreThe school is thankful to the Parish for enabling us to use the Parish driveway as a ‘kiss and ride’ area for families. In general families taking advantage of this option use it effectively and help to ensure that traffic moves smoothly and safely, for which we are extremely grateful. To continue its effectiveness, below…
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