Year 2
Now that the school holidays have finished, the Parish is once again celebrating Children’s Liturgy during the Sunday 9.30am Mass at St Dominic’s, Innaloo. Children’s Liturgy will take place every Sunday during the school term. I encourage parents to bring their children to this Mass where the children will be welcomed before being led to…
Read MoreBelow are links to letters from each of our classroom teachers to you, our families. The intent of each letter is to provide you with an overview of what will be taught this term. An opportunity to connect, share and partner with you in the learning planned for your child in Term 3. If you…
Read MoreThank you to everyone for your ongoing positive comments about St Dominic’s out there in the community, your comments continue to help promote all that is amazing about our school and has certainly lead to an increased number of enrolment expressions of interest over recent years. Your ongoing support in this area is…
Read MoreAs you would have seen promoted earlier in the year, we planned two opportunities for families to attend a Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum Parent and Carer Workshop. The second of these two opportunities is on Wednesday 26th July, commencing at 6:00pm in the Learning Hub. Details for the upcoming Wednesday event are below. Date:…
Read MoreOn Wednesday, 16th August, St Dominic’s will hold its Faction Athletics Carnival at Yuluma Primary School for Pre-Primary to Year 6. Please note that as it will be held on a Wednesday, the Kindy students will not be attending the carnival this year. The event will run similar to last year, with students moving around stations…
Read MoreSt Dominic’s School welcomes students and families from a wide range of cultures. Following the success of our first ‘Celebrating and Supporting Cultural Diversity Morning Tea’ last term, we have two further morning teas planned in Term 3. The next morning tea will be held on Wednesday, 26th July, commencing at 8.40am (straight after drop…
Read MoreThe next St Dominic’s School Parents and Friends Group Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 8th August from 6:00pm to 7:00pm in the School Library and online via TEAMS. All Parents/ Guardians are very welcome to attend and we look forward to seeing you there. Please share via the RSVP form linked below if you…
Read MoreThis month, we’re are focusing on the power of GRATITUDE in friendships. Dr. Robert Emmons, the world’s leading scientific expert on gratitude from Harvard, has found that people who have regular gratitude practices are healthier, happier, and have better relationships. Pop over to the URSTRONG blog here to read about how helping children learn…
Read MoreThis year, we will be celebrating St Dominic’s Feast Day (3rd August) on Monday, 31st July. The day will begin with a whole school/ community Mass at 9:00am in St Dominic’s Church and then at approximately 11:00am, all students from Pre Primary to Year 6 will be walking down to Spiderman Park (Millet Park) for a…
Read MoreBelow are the Term 3 sports days for students in Pre Primary to Year 6. Included is the respective sports top for each day. Your support in ensuring your children are wearing the correct uniform on the appropriate day is required and greatly appreciated. Pre Primary Monday (grey and white top) Tuesday (faction top) Wednesday…
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