Year 2
With the implementation of our new OSHClub service, minor adjustments are necessary for our afterschool play arrangements. OSHClub has been granted exclusive access to both the hall and adjoining outdoor spaces from 3:00pm. It is imperative for the safety of OSHClub attendees that only they occupy the space during the afterschool session. Following discussions with…
Read MoreThis April school holidays we will be starting a new Holiday Crochet Club for primary school aged children. This will be hosted by a few ladies from the Innaloo Crochet Group and also builds on the success of Miss Wheatleys Thursday morning Crochet Club for Year 5 & 6. The sessions will be held on…
Read MoreNew St Dominic’s School Rain Jacket Following consultation with the School Advisory Council, P&F, staff and our suppliers last year, it was decided to introduce a St Dominic’s School branded rain jacket. This jacket will offer an additional layer of warmth and protection from the elements on cold and rainy days. It’s important to note…
Read MoreHarmony Day is approaching and forms one part of Harmony week, which runs here in Western Australia from Friday, 15th March through until Thursday, 21st March. Harmony week is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background. It is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism. To mark Harmony Day…
Read MoreWe are excited to announce that our multicultural family networking group are organising a family event to celebrate Harmony Week on Friday, 22nd March between 3:00pm and 5:00pm. The event will take place on the oval straight after school and conclude at 5:00pm. The afternoon is an opportunity to spend time with other families whilst…
Read MorePartnership in action The work of Caritas Australia is only possible with the dedication, passion and tenacity of our local partners who implement the programs. They are the heroes on the ground, working tirelessly behind-the-scenes every day to create a better future for their communities. Caritas Australia partners with the Faithful Companions of Jesus…
Read MoreMemory is 26 years old and lives in rural Malawi. As the eldest child in a low-income farming family, Memory had to take on many household chores and farming activities to support her parents. They struggled to pay for Memory’s school fees and school supplies, and Memory often had to walk to school barefooted. With…
Read MoreThank you for your wonderful support of the P&F Cadbury Chocolate Fundraiser. An amazing 41 boxes were sold and 14 donations were received this year. If you haven’t already collected your boxes, they are available for pick up via the front office. Please endeavour to collect your boxes as soon as possible. St Dominic’s…
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