Year 2
If parking and collecting your children, instead of using the ‘kiss and ride’ option, please take a moment to read the following information. Parking is available along Beatrice Street in the marked parking bays and in the Church carpark at the Eastern end of the school. Although a bit further away, street parking is also available…
Read MoreThis winter season there are a lot of people who are homeless, poor and people who are needing our help and their need is especially big during this season. We are going to be holding a winter appeal to donate to the St Vincent de Paul Society where they will use it to help those…
Read MoreOn Friday, 24th May our Year 6 students will lead a short Sorry Day Assembly to reflect on and commemorate the history of the Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia. We invite families to attend if they wish to do so. This assembly will begin at 8:50am in the school hall. …
Read MorePlease note that in Week 6 and 7 this term, the students sport lesson with Jasmine Corsara will move from Tuesday to Monday. This change is to accomodate the Blessing and Official Opening of the Stage 9 Building Project on Tuesday, 21st May (Week 6) and our School Photo Day on Tuesday, 28th May (Week…
Read MoreAmazing running St Dominic’s! On Friday, we held the St Dominic’s Faction Cross Country Carnival and I just want to say how amazing the effort shown by everyone was, with all students crossing the finish line, I am so proud! Thank you boys and girls, you should all be proud of your results and for…
Read MoreSent home in your child’s bag on Thursday was a photo envelope for the upcoming School Photos on Tuesday, 28th May. Every child in the school has received a specifically coded individual envelope with all instructions clearly outlined on the front. To assist with the first instruction, ‘This envelope MUST be handed to the School Office prior photo day…
Read MoreMonday, 29th of April is the Feast Day of Saint Catherine of Siena, one of our Faction Saints. Catherine was born in Siena, Italy in 1347 and was the 25th child born to her parents. St. Catherine joined the Third Order of St. Dominic and was taught to read by fellow Dominican sisters. She dedicated her…
Read MoreOn Saturday, 11th May, at 6:00pm, a Family Mass will be held at St Dominic’s Church. The Year 3 and 4 families in particular are invited to come along and assist with the celebration, however, ALL St Dominic’s families are encouraged to attend. Fr Bernard welcomes and encourages families to participate by assisting with altar serving,…
Read MoreOn Tuesday the 21st May we will have the blessing and official opening of the Stage 9 Building Project which included the refurbishment of our Early Years classrooms and courts. All families are invited to join us on this occasion. If you are attending, please RSVP to
Read MoreThere is a significant amount of lost property currently sitting in the office with either no name or the name of a previous owner who no longer attends the school. Parents are asked to please remember to label all clothing, lunch boxes and drink bottles, and to drop past the office if you know your child…
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