Year 2
Week 1 We were welcomed back to school with some glorious sunny weather! Luckily, everyone remembered their hats and our school location on top of a hill meant the sea breeze was felt early, and it turned out to be a great day for playing outside. The year 3s to 6s played some small-sides cricket…
Read MoreBelow is a pre order form and information regarding the upcoming P&F Movie Night on Saturday, 23rd March, commencing at 4:00pm. A paper copy of the form will also be coming home with your child tomorrow. A copy can also be printed by clicking here. Please return the form no later than Monday, 18th March,…
Read MoreAs was communicated earlier this term, we are continuing to look at establishing an onsite before and after school care option for our families here at St Dominic’s School. After recently meeting with a representative from Extend (our preferred provider), it was outlined to us that unfortunately government requirements changed over the school holidays and…
Read MoreOn Friday, 22nd March, we will be having our annual Rice Day. The purpose of this day is to help our children experience, in a small way, the daily struggles many children experience every day and to raise funds for children less fortunate than ourselves. Last year Rice Day was very successful, and funds raised went towards…
Read MoreAs was communicated last year, the school board, in consultation with the P&F, investigated the option of introducing a new school short and trouser option for our girls. A final design and costing was decided upon and the first order of shorts placed at the end of last year. With the cooler months approaching, we…
Read MoreIt has been a busy start to Term 1 and it is hard to believe we are almost half way through! Homework officially begins this week and below is a summary of the expectations for Term 1: Spelling Activities found on Spellodrome online. Their word lists are updated each fortnight. This term, a hardcopy…
Read MoreOur senior Faction Swimming Carnival (Years 3-6) will be held at Claremont Pool tomorrow, commencing at 10.30am. Our junior (Year 1-2) students will be joining us for some fun tabloid games at 11:30am. We look forward to seeing members of our school community there to cheer on the students! Thank you to those parents who…
Read MoreJoin us for Mass at St Dominic’s Parish tomorrow at 9:00am. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, a day on which Catholics traditionally resist eating between meals (fasting) and avoid eating meat (abstaining). Many Catholics also attend Mass or have special prayer liturgies. Lent is a forty day period of preparation for Easter. It reminds us…
Read MoreWith our annual junior and senior faction swimming carnival taking place tomorrow, the canteen will not be open. Also, there will be no sushi on the menu this week, however, it will return again in Week 6.
Read MoreThank you to the families who have registered for the Melanoma March, which takes place at the end of this month. It is not compulsory, however, if you would like to purchase a special t-shirt to wear on the day, please let Mags James know by the end of this week. They come at a…
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