Year 2
Keep an eye out this week, for information coming home in your child’s school bag regarding the upcoming P&F Easter Egg Raffle. The raffle will be held on Thursday, 11th April, at the conclusion of the Easter Bonnet Parade, which will commence at 8:50am, in the school hall. Below is a copy of the form/ information…
Read MoreEntertainment Books will be going home tomorrow. Please remember to return your forms ASAP if you would like to opt out of this promotion. You can also order your online version today by clicking on the link below. St Dominic’s School Entertainment Book Fundraiser Link
Read MoreWe are seeking volunteers from our school community that may be able to assist with some library duties. Volunteers would be required to spare a small amount of time to assist with shelving books and general library duties at a time and duration convenient to them. Training would be offered to any parents that may…
Read MoreCongratulations to the following students and staff members who were awarded the MJR Spirit of Jesus Award over the past three weeks, for making Jesus real in our school: Week 7 Pre Primary – Luka C Year 2 – Sam E, Luke O Year 4 – Tom C Year 5 – Olivia H, Jacqueline B Year 6 – Matthew Z, Benjamin…
Read MoreThe craft club has had a wonderful response and continues to grow each week. To assist the staff running the club, if you haven’t registered via the online link below, please do so prior to coming along this week. Last Thursday there were several students who unfortunately could only observe for the hour, as staff…
Read MoreThis term in Pre-Primary we are learning about Australia, and in particular, those things that make it up, such as our beaches, rivers, mountains etc. In Year 1 and 2, the students have had an ‘under the sea’ theme in their classroom that has been contributing to their learning. To support this learning, we are…
Read MoreCongratulations to the following students and staff members who were awarded the MJR Spirit of Jesus Award over the past three weeks, for making Jesus real in our school: Week 4 Pre Primary – James, Max, Jonathan Year 1 – Mackenzie, Harsh Year 2 – Paul, Luke Yer 3 – Chloe Year 4 – Lucy, Charlotte, James Year 5 – Zari, Levi…
Read MoreThis Friday, 15th March, marks the beginning of our Harmony Week celebrations at St Dominic’s. Harmony Day is all about appreciating, respecting and celebrating cultural diversity within Australia – from the first Australians to the integration of the newest arrivals. Celebrations will begin with a short liturgy and introduction to Harmony Week presented by the…
Read MoreYr 5s have learned first hand how proximity to the sun affects the amount of light and heat an object receives. Yr 6s have investigated earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis with a series of experiments. Year 3 students have learned more about night and day with torches, and shadow investigations both inside and outside. The Year…
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