Year 2
At our recent Mini Vinnies meeting, the children came up with some great ideas to support those within our community who are less fortunate. There are two dates coming up to take note of. LifeLink Day LifeLink Day is on Wednesday 5th June. The theme for that day is ‘Crazy Socks!’ Please bring in a…
Read MoreChoir Camp! An exciting opportunity for any student who loves to sing! This camp, in association with the Royal School of Church Music, has been running for 45 years, and we’d love to invite participants between 8 and 18 to join us for a week of singing in Geraldton, in the first week of the…
Read MoreCommencing this week, the Uniform Shop will now be open on a Tuesday and Wednesday morning from 8:30am to 8:45am. Don’t forget that order forms can be downloaded and dropped into the office at any time. These orders will then be processed and placed in your child’s school bag. A copy of the order form…
Read MoreThank you to our Year 2 class for entertaining and informing us with lots of new information at last Friday’s assembly. You took us on an exciting journey around the world on the HMAS St Dom’s. Together we explored the seven continents and what makes them all different. What an exciting term of learning it…
Read MoreLeon Bolding Principal
Read MoreFriday, 21st June, 2019 St Dominic’s School P&F Disco The event of the year for our students Kindy to Year 2 5:00pm – 6:30pm Dinner 6:30pm – 7:00pm Pre Ordered Pizza and Juice Box (further details to come) Sweet treats (50c) to raise money for our amazing P&F Year 3 to Year…
Read MoreCongratulations St Dominic’s! Today, we held St Dominic’s Faction Fun Run and what a great job you all did! I definitely noticed an across-the-board improvement this year compared to last year, with the great majority of runners being able to run(jog) the entire way. Students in Year 1, and 2 ran an approximately 1km course,…
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