Year 2
On Monday, 9th December we would like to extend an invitation to all grandparents and special friends to join us for a morning at the school. We recognise increasingly, the importance of this wonderful group of people in our girls and boys lives, and wish to extend our thanks to them by welcoming them to the school and in…
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Read MoreThank you to those families who completed the survey sent home in Term 3. The data received was extremely positive and formed the basis for a conversation I had with the directors of Discovery Kids earlier this term. The feedback from parents was strong enough for them to take the next step towards opening a…
Read MoreCongratulations to the following students and staff who were awarded the MJR Spirit of Jesus Award, for making Jesus real in our school: Term 4 Week 4 Pre-Primary – Bailey O, Jonathan R, Jack K, Jayden E, Max S Year 1 – Elijah L, Luke C Year 2 – Freya D, Oliver C Year 5/6 – Whole class
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Read MoreOn Saturday, 16th November, at 6pm, a Family Mass will be held at St Dominic’s Church. The Pre Primary Year 2, 5 and 6 families are invited to come along and assist with the celebration. As part of a Religious Education lesson, classes will be creating a poster relating to the Gospel of the day. The poster…
Read MoreSt Dominc’s School, along with all Catholic Schools in Western Australia, has had in place for the past two years a Code of Conduct document. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to describe minimum standards of conduct in all behaviour and decision making to ensure the safety and well-being of students. Each week…
Read MoreAs you may have heard, Fiona Glumac our substantive Assistant Principal and her husband Aaron, are expecting their second child at the end of the year! It is a very exciting time for Fiona and her family, and we can’t wait to hear the news of the baby boy or girl’s arrival later next month.…
Read MorePlease note that Monique will be away at professional development on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. The paying of school fees and other eftpos transactions will not be possible during her absence. Holding off on these transactions until Friday will greatly assist those assuming her duties over the next few days. Thank you for…
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