Year 2
As you may recall from previous communications, for financial and supply reasons, we are unable to have a surplus stock of girls shorts and trousers kept in the uniform shop throughout the year. The shorts and trousers are only available via an order process, with a 6 – 8 week turnaround time on all orders…
Read MoreIt was great to be able to recommence our P&F Meetings after having to cancel the meeting earlier this term due to COVID-19 restrictions. As previously mentioned, all P&F Meeting Minutes in 2020 are being uploaded to the school website and available for families to access via a link at the bottom of the P&F…
Read More2020 Semester 1 Student Report Changes Following recent School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCASA) and Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) directives, I am writing to advise families that the 2020 Semester 1 Report will look somewhat different to reports generated in previous years. This is due to the global COVID-19 pandemic and the disruption to…
Read MoreAs you would be aware via communications over the past few years, we have implemented the Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum here at St Dominic’s School. It is a government requirement that all schools adopt and implement an appropriate research based child protection program. The Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum meets all the necessary requirements and…
Read MoreOur poor courtyard tree’s pot suffered some damage during our recent storms, however, we have now found a new pot, replanted the tree and added a bit of colour around the bottom. The new benches, which were kindly donated last term by our our amazing P&F, have also now been put together and placed around…
Read MoreCongratulations to the following students, who were awarded the MJR Spirit of Jesus Award for making Jesus real in our school, at this weeks online Monday morning assembly. Term 2 Week 7 Leon Bolding Principal
Read MoreThe National Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) takes place every year. The NCCD is a collection that counts the number of students at the school who receive an adjustment, or help, due to a disability so that they receive the same access to education as other students. Each year, as…
Read MoreI hope you are enjoying the rain. Just a quick reminder to please register for the upcoming Masses. You will need to do this every week until further notice. The links can be accessed below or from the Parish website. Current weekend Mass times are: Saturday 6.00pm Innaloo Sunday 7.30am Karrinyup 9.00am Innaloo…
Read MoreLast Wednesday, the Year 1 class held an end of Religious Education unit on family liturgy. Joined by Father Bernard, Mr Bolding and Mr P, the students shared many wonderful thoughts about their family and why they love them so much. All students played a role in the liturgy, with many reading and placing symbols…
Read MoreIn line with the WA Government guidelines and the directives from Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, we are now allowed 100 people to attend our Masses if the correct physical distance of 1.5 metres between each person and the one person per two square metre rules are maintained. If we follow these rules, our church allows us…
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