Year 1

St Dominic’s Faction Swimming Carnival Information

March 5, 2019
St Dominic's Faction Swimming Carnival Information

Our senior Faction Swimming Carnival (Years 3-6) will be held at Claremont Pool tomorrow, commencing at 10.30am. Our junior (Year 1-2) students will be joining us for some fun tabloid games at 11:30am. We look forward to seeing members of our school community there to cheer on the students! Thank you to those parents who…

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Ash Wednesday Mass

March 5, 2019
Ash Wednesday Mass

Join us for Mass at St Dominic’s Parish tomorrow at 9:00am. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, a day on which Catholics traditionally resist eating between meals (fasting) and avoid eating meat (abstaining). Many Catholics also attend Mass or have special prayer liturgies. Lent is a forty day period of preparation for Easter. It reminds us…

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No canteen tomorrow and no sushi this week

March 5, 2019
No canteen tomorrow and no sushi this week

With our annual junior and senior faction swimming carnival taking place tomorrow, the canteen will not be open.  Also, there will be no sushi on the menu this week, however, it will return again in Week 6.

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Melanoma March Update

March 5, 2019
Melanoma March

Thank you to the families who have registered for the Melanoma March, which takes place at the end of this month. It is not compulsory, however, if you would like to purchase a special t-shirt to wear on the day, please let Mags James know by the end of this week. They come at a…

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Swimming lesson certificates coming home this week

February 28, 2019
Swimming lesson certificates coming home this week

Coming home this week with the students in Year 1 to 6 are the swimming certificates provided to us by Rare Indigo Swimming.  If you have any questions regarding your child’s achievement over the past two weeks of swimming, please contact Rare Indigo Swimming directly via .

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St Dominic’s Junior/ Senior Faction Swimming Carnival Permission Slip

February 28, 2019
St Dominic's Junior/ Senior Faction Swimming Carnival Permission Slip

Coming home with your child today, is a paper copy of the St Dominic’s Junior/ Senior Faction Swimming Carnival Permission Slip, a copy of which can be seen below.  Please return this slip as soon as possible but no later than Tuesday, 5th March.  To print a copy please click here. [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”2019 Faction…

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St Dominic’s School P&F Association Update

February 26, 2019
The first P&F meeting for 2019 is on Wednesday night

Wow the P&F have been off to an amazing start this year busily planning events and organising some fantastic items for the kids. We have an amazing group of motivated parents but there is always room for more. The Parents and Friends Association of St Dominic’s is a very active group that exists to support…

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Sushi is back on the menu this Wednesday, 27th February

February 26, 2019
Sushi Canteen Sales on Hold

As you may recall, unfortunately, due to the company who supplied our canteen with sushi no longer being in business, the canteen staff had to embark on an investigation into finding a new approved suppliers in our area.  They have been successful in their investigations and a new supplier will begin delivery Sushi as of…

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2019 Student Residential Address and Other Information collection notice

February 26, 2019
2019 Student Residential Address and Other Information collection notice

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Parents or Guardians Collection Notice”]

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Clean Up Australia Day is approaching! Join Mr Bovell at Lake Gwellup this weekend

February 26, 2019
Clean Up Australia Day is approaching! Join Mr Bovell at Lake Gwellup this weekend

Mr Bovell invites all St Dominic’s School students and families to join him down at Lake Gwelup Reserve this Sunday the 3rd March at 9am to help clean up and conserve the lake. He has contacted the Kid’s Nature Club who have been kind enough to let any St Dominic’s kids join in with their clean…

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