There is still time to get your Father’s Day Breakfast orders in. If you would like to place an order please do so by the end of the school day. We are looking forward to this fun event for the father figures in our students lives. St Dominic’s School P&F
Read MoreComing home in your child’s bag today should be a photo envelope for the upcoming School Photo Day on Tuesday 17th September. Every child in the school has received a specifically coded individual envelope with all the instructions clearly outlined on the front. To assist with the first instruction ‘This envelope MUST be handed to the photographer by each student on photo day…
Read MoreThis year, the P&F have worked together to bring an extra element of fun and team spirit to the School Faction Carnival and introduce Faction Mascots to lead their teams into the St Dominic’s Faction Carnival Arena. Last week the P&F provided the Year 1 class with a colouring in competition. To enter, they were…
Read MoreThere are still a number of books left over from today’s Great Book Exchange. For a gold coin donation, students are welcome to come and select another book. The book exchange will continue through until Friday, with all proceeds going to the Metta Geha Orphanage. Thank you for getting behind this initiative. Leon Bolding…
Read MoreWe are still in need of parent helpers for this Thursday’s athletics carnival. Thank you to those who have already volunteered, your child’s classroom teacher will contact you tomorrow and confirm that your help is required and greatly appreciated. If you are able to help, could you please complete the online form below or simply…
Read MoreJust a friendly reminder to please bring in all your sausage sizzle forms first thing tomorrow morning to receive your order on Thursday at the sports carnival. This is a fantastic money raiser for the school with Year 5 (Kathryn & Alina) securing a massive donation from Woolworths so all funds raised go directly back…
Read MoreThis term, Mrs Ford is hoping to commence a program called Sunbeams, for students in Kindy, Pe Primary and Year 1. The Sunbeams Program is similar to the Rainbows program run for our Year 2 to Year 6 students. What is the Sunbeams Program? Sunbeams is for children who have experienced or are experiencing a…
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