Congratulations to the following students and staff who were awarded the MJR Spirit of Jesus Award, for making Jesus real in our school: Term 1 Week 7 Leon Bolding Principal
Read MoreFourth Week of Lent (School week beginning 22nd March) Sakun lives in a village in central north India. She developed polio as a child and has difficulty walking. Until now Sakun, an indigenous Gond woman, has been isolated in her community, unable to earn a livelihood and without knowledge of government schemes that could help…
Read MoreHarmony Week is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, and the successful integration of migrants into our community. Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world and we should celebrate this and work to maintain it. Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic…
Read MoreWe had another fantastic turnout for our second P&F Meeting last night. Thank you to those who were able to attend and to those who continue to offer their time in support of our school. As previously mentioned, all P&F Meeting Minutes in 2020 will be uploaded to the school website and available for families…
Read MoreThird Week of Lent (School week beginning 16th March) Project Compassion, Week 3, brings you the story of Barry, a Gamilaroi man originally from western NSW. Barry is a father of four and he embodies resilience and strength. Growing up in a tough environment, he had to look inside himself to make the right choices…
Read MoreComing home with your child today are Book Club Issues 1 and 2. Orders can be placed and paid for online through To purchase items please set up your own login and place the order through Book Club Loop. Please note that all orders are to be completed and paid for online at…
Read MoreOur first meeting was held this week to discuss goals and share ideas on how we can support and raise funds for people in need. We welcomed a few new members and it was wonderful to see so many boys and girls returning from last year wanting to continue their good works into 2020. Our…
Read MoreSecond Week of Lent (School week beginning 9th March) This week through Project Compassion we learn about Phany (pronounced Parn-ee). Struggling to earn a living as a farmer in Cambodia, Phany was forced to leave her daughter behind in the village to take up construction work in the city. Thankfully, through a Caritas funded program,…
Read MoreCraft Club began this week for 2020. Students from Pre Primary to Year 6 joined in with activities involving dye, paint and feathers! Each week, different projects are planned. Some may take 1 week, some may take a whole term! Mrs Capriotti, Mrs James and Mrs Smith have lots of fun things planned for Craft…
Read MoreComing home with your child today is the Welcome back to School Event order form. If required a copy of the form can also be downloaded via the link below. We look forward to coming together as a community at this event and enjoying some time with each other. P&F Welcome Back to School…
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