An invitation is extended to parents, caregivers and friends of St Dominic’s School, to attend the 2024 Annual Community Meeting (ACM) of the Catholic School Advisory Council and Parents & Friends Association. The meeting will take place on Thursday, 21st November, commencing at 3:30pm in the school hall. The meeting itself is an opportunity for…
Read MoreTo ensure we continue to provide a safe learning environment for everyone here at St Dominic’s, below are a few reminders regarding drop off and pick up procedures. Your attention to the information outlined below is greatly appreciated. Students are NOT permitted to arrive at school prior to 8:15am. Students arriving at 8:15am are expected…
Read MoreAs previously communicated, with the implementation of our new OSHClub service, minor adjustments were made to our afterschool play arrangements. OSHClub has been granted exclusive access to both the hall and adjoining outdoor spaces from 2:45pm. It is imperative for the safety of OSHClub attendees that only they occupy the space during the afterschool session.…
Read MoreWe are thrilled to host another family event, celebrating the diversity that makes our school unique! From our many cultural backgrounds to our proud Australian families, everyone is welcome to join us for an afternoon of fun, community, and connection. The event will take place on Friday, 1st November on the oval straight after school and…
Read MoreScan the QR Code or Click Here to Order Your Child’s Free Sausage Sizzle Online
Read MoreSt Dominic’s School welcomes students and families from a wide range of cultures. We have our next ‘Celebrating and Supporting Cultural Diversity Morning Tea’ coming up in Week 2. The morning tea will be held on Wednesday, 16th October, commencing at 8.40am (straight after drop off). We would love to welcome back parents who have…
Read MoreJust like that, we welcome the next Noongar season, Kambarang. Kambarang, known traditionally as the season of birth, is a time when the land comes alive with vibrant wildflowers and striking plants, painting our surroundings with an explosion of colours. In October, reptiles are most likely to emerge from their Winter hibernation, taking advantage of…
Read MoreIn 2023, St Dominic’s School opened a Wednesday morning breakfast club. Eating a healthy breakfast in the morning wakes up our brain, improves concentration and helps us to be ready to learn! The Wednesday morning breakfast club at St Dominic’s gives students the opportunity to make choices: pancakes or toast, Vegemite or jam, beans or spaghetti. Eating with…
Read MoreThe tea towel designs feature self-portraits drawn by all school students and staff, screen printed on to 100% cotton tea towels with burgundy print. The tea towel is a lasting memento to remember classmates and their very special time at school. A meaningful gift for family and friends, they are easy to post and make…
Read MoreIt is Magpie nesting season and during this time, magpies can act in a protective manner and swoop to defend their young! Please ensure you adhere to the following tips to stay safe this season! ✅ Stay clear of caution signs and roped off areas ✅ Dismount bikes and scooters ✅ If swooped, cover eyes…
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