Just like that, we welcome the next Noongar season, Kambarang. Kambarang, known traditionally as the season of birth, is a time when the land comes alive with vibrant wildflowers and striking plants, painting our surroundings with an explosion of colours. In October, reptiles are most likely to emerge from their Winter hibernation, taking advantage of…
Read MoreFollowing on from recent discussions at our ‘Celebrating Cultural Diversity Morning Teas’, we would like to invite those interested to join a planning session for the proposed ‘St Dominic’s Multicultural Celebration’ afternoon in Term 4 The first planning session will take place next Wednesday, 20th September straight after drop off (8.45am) in the library. All…
Read MoreOn Thursday night St Dominic’s warmly invited parents and guardians for an open night to view the students amazing learning journey so far this year! The classrooms were proudly decorated with artwork and the children’s precious learning portfolios for everyone to see. The Library was also buzzing with excitement with our Scholastic Book Fair in…
Read MoreIt is Magpie nesting season and during this time, magpies can act in a protective manner and swoop to defend their young! Please ensure you adhere to the following tips to stay safe this season! ✅ Stay clear of caution signs and roped off areas ✅ Dismount bikes and scooters ✅ If swooped, cover eyes…
Read MoreThis year, St Dominic’s has been starting to implement the URSTRONG Friendology program. On Friday, 15th September, we will be having a Day of Kindness here at school to officially launch this awesome program across each year level. On this day of kindness, classes will complete kindness activities in their classrooms in the morning before…
Read MoreOn Monday night students from Kindy to Year 6 gathered with their parents in our school hall to face a series of problem-solving activities to find out who is the mathematical menace. Students worked to solve problem-solving questions using a range of hands-on learning activities to support them to solve the larger problem at hand.…
Read MoreAll Parents and Friends Group (P&F) Meeting Minutes in 2023 are uploaded to the school website and made available for families to access via a link at the bottom of the P&F page. After each meeting a notice will be sent home to inform families that the minutes are ready for viewing. Below is a…
Read MoreCongratulations to Memphis (Year 3) and Jayden (Year 6) who were awarded a ‘Spirit of Jesus’ award this week. Memphis received the award for always saying good morning and good afternoon to teachers and fellow students without being prompted. Jayden was presented the award for always being willing to help out with the little things.…
Read MoreThe Book Fair is coming to St Dominic’s again this year! It will be arriving on Wednesday, 13th September and will be here until Friday, 15th September. Come by after school on these days, or on Open Night and support our school whilst getting your hands on the best new children’s books!
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