Over many years, along with other WA Catholic primary schools, St Dominic’s has partnered with the Italo-Australian Welfare & Cultural Centre, to ensure qualified and experienced teachers provide our students in Year 1 to 6 with the curriculum content aligned to this specialist area. Unfortunately, due to health-related circumstances outside of everyone’s control, there have been several…
Read MoreFollowing the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions and the return of Margaret James from long service leave, the St Dominic’s School Ukulele Club will be recommencing this term. Details about the 202e program are outlined below. Who: Students in Year 4 to 6 When: Every Friday morning during the school term. Time: 7:45am to 8.30am Where: The Library Please…
Read MoreFollowing the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, our St Dominic’s School Choir will be re-established this term. Please note that the time at which Choir is offered has changed from previous years. All the details are outlined below. Who: Students in Year 3 to 6 When: Every Wednesday morning during the school term. Time: 7:45am to 8.30am Where: …
Read MoreAre you able to assist Pia Schwenke (St Dominic’s parent and teacher at Majella CPS) and the Majella Catholic Primary School Soccer Team? The senior boys at Majella Catholic Primary School won the soccer competition at the Interschool Winter Carnival last term and have qualified to participate in the Northern Regional Soccer Championship next Thursday,…
Read MoreBelow are the Term 3 sports days for students in Pre-Primary to Year 6. Included is the respective sports top for each day. Your support in ensuring your children are wearing the correct uniform on the appropriate day is required and greatly appreciated. Pre Primary Monday (grey and white top) Tuesday (faction top) Wednesday (grey…
Read MoreA reminder that our First Eucharist Parent/ Child Workshop will be on Thursday, 28th July at 5:30pm in the school hall. All children enrolled to receive the Sacrament this year are required to attend with a parent/ caregiver. On Monday, 1st August, the Year 4 class will be participating in a spiritual retreat in preparation…
Read MoreFollowing the announcement late last term that Mrs Simonette Chiappini had made the difficult decision to resign from her Year 1 teaching position, I am pleased to share that the process of appointing a replacement was finalised during the school holidays. Miss Misty Daszkiewicz was the successfully appointed applicant. Misty comes to St Dominic’s with…
Read MoreUpdate – 24th July Following consultation with our local Catholic schools and pool venues, we have recently been able to reschedule the previously postponed Year 3 to 6 Faction and Interschool Swimming Carnivals. Details of both events are below and further details will be provided closer to the time. Year 3 to 6 Faction Swimming…
Read MoreOn the Thursday the 23rd June, our Year 5 and 6 students travelled to Matthews Netball Centre and Wembley Sports Complex in Jolimont, to compete in the annual Winter Lightning Carnival. I would like to give a special thank you to the following people for helping out on the day by taking a team, without…
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